Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Is totally balls. I hate when I do it. And you know what I'm procrastinating? Writing down information from like 5 worksheets onto a cheat sheet for my final in Anatomy tomorrow. So ridiculous. Hahahah.

Anyways, I'm awake right now because I was too sick to go to school and thus slept all day. After I finish this blog, I'm probably just going to be on Tumblr for awhile and just not work on my cheat sheet for some dumb reason. -.-'

I keep thinking about Florida. Just at random times. Sometimes I make jokes about it and pretend it doesn't bother me. Other times, I just tear up and sort of freak out. And then you have the times where I'm alone and just thinking and I break down. It sucks so bad. :/ I hate thinking about moving. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. In case you couldn't tell, I hate it.

Oh well, I don't feel like writing a whole bunch, but I really wanted to update. So there you go, for now.

Until later,

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