Monday, August 31, 2009

My first blog!

Today was my first day back at school. I'm a little baby junior, whatever. Hahah.

Anyways! I found out that I had my first two classes [Anatomy and US History], with Shaun Berkely, which was cool because then I didn't have to walk alone and stuff. Anatomy seems like it is going to be really ridiculous because of all the guys in my class. They seem to be pretty outrageous already. Then when I got to US History, I saw my cousin walk by the door so I'll be able to see him this year! Hahah. In history, we got a seating chart and I saw a bunch of kids that dropped down from AP/Honors classes, it was kind of odd. But cool at the same time. I made friends with these two girls who weren't in a group, just like me! Lindsey and Alex, Lindsey talks A LOT about anything and everything and Alex is shy, but seems really nice.

At break, I was ignored by Madi and Paige because of some drama. I'm trying not to worry too much about it though. Guess who goes to Charter Oak now, btw? Christian. I'll tell you about him later.

After break, I had IB Math Studies. So many people from Geo/Trig were there. Mr. Nichols seems really cool, but his room is so HOT. I had cooking afterwards and it turns out Sean Anderson is also in that class and math with me. I have a feeling him and I are going to bond in cooking among all the baby freshman and crap. Bleh. Oh well, we talked a lot and the teacher was SUPER quiet because Ms. Comstock got fired. It was okay though, we just filled out papers.

Lunchtime! It was okay; hung out with Veronica; visited Christian and Matt waiting in line for senior lunch passes; then hung out in the drama room. Still no word to Madi or Paige.

After lunch, was fifth period. English with Mr. Harte. I'm going to participate a bunch in this class and make it known that I'm in drama and a good kid. Hahahah. I don't really talk to many of the kids in this class so I'm a little scared for group assignments. :/ But we'll cross that bridge when the time comes, right?

6th period. Drama. The class I had been dreading all day. Anyways, I get there and Graz decides to show us part of the DTASC documentary that we were filmed for and we could sit forever. I like screamed in the video. :/ Oh well. I'm in a film! Maddi M. called which gave me an excuse to say something to Madi Jay, so before we both went outside to talk about things and we're totally fine. Not as big of a deal as I would have thought. I still don't know if I'm going to say anything to Paige, we'll see. Anyways, Graz just skipped my name while doing the seating chart so I was bouncing around the room trying to find a seat, I'll probably just move seats everyday, but whatever. Hahah. Then we sat in a circle and Graz explained points and such for the Fall semester and how we can do well in his class. Then the bell rang and I was hyper.

Veronica, Chris, Jonathan, and I hung around the pool deck/boys locker room area, talked to some people, picked up Shane, then left off to my house. They all got water, I got cereal, then Jonathan and Veronica left to take Shane home. When those two came back, we ate a little bit, watched Wizards of Waverly Place, then Jonathan, Veronica, and Chris left to Charter Oak to see if then can fix their schedules. I don't know if they did.

Jacqui and I watched some TV, then Jacqui left, then I came in my room to nap, but instead checked websites and made this! That was my day so far. I need to finish up some homework, start on an essay, and do some stuff. Hahah.

I'm going to see if my mom will take me to go buy a planner and some little diaries.

Until next time,

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